A laugh-out-loud and fun-loving urban high school comedy about Greg Reed (Deon Richmond), known as G to his friends. G has it all – money, fame, success, and most importantly to him, women, women and more women. The only problem is, his success is only in his mind. Uncertain and dissatisfied with his life, he spends so much time daydreaming, trippin’ out on what might happen, that he can never focus on what will really happen. As a high school senior, time is running out and the future – reality – is closing in fast. For Greg, his only real priority is the impending senior prom, for which he has neither the date nor the cash. His parents won’t give him any money until he finishes his college applications; as for a date, Greg only has eyes for Cinny Hawkins (Maia Campbell), the smartest, most beautiful girl in school – definitely out of his league. Greg’s tired, junior-league player moves definitely won’t win over the finest girl around.


Starring: Deon Richmond, Donald Faison, Guy Torry, Maia Campbell, Aloma Wright Directed by: David Raynr


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